melody yazdani studios

the journal

The idea is not to live forever, but to create something that will

the journal

andy warhol

Once you’ve reserved your portrait session, it’s time to start thinking about “what, wear, and how”. That doesn’t mean anxiously tapping your nails and counting down the seconds—it means it’s time to get excited. This is all about making you look and feel fantastic, which means you’ll be preparing for a day of fun and fabulousness! Plus, […]

When you think of boudoir, the first things that come to mind probably aren’t t-shirts and sports jerseys. You’re more likely to imagine see-through lingerie, birthday suits, and the kind of panties that somehow make you feel even more naked when you’re wearing them than not. But truth be told, what you wear (or don’t […]

Contemporary boudoir photography is a life changing experience. When one of my clients arrive at my studio, most of the time they’re nervous, scared and sometimes freaking out. Once they sit in the chair to get their hair and makeup done, the transformation begins. The client slowly starts to shed those signs and feelings of […]

all content copyright Melody Yazdani Studios






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