melody yazdani studios

This is why I do what I do (part 1) – A Three Generation Portrait at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, VA

September 28, 2016

It can be so easy to take this job lightly.  I mean, we push buttons, capture moments, and photograph everything these days.  And when you shoot professionally, the specifics of shooting in manual, focusing, and making split second decisions to capture that moment -well- come naturally, like breathing.  You’re in the moment, making people laugh, loosening nerves, and guiding people into beautiful moments like an effortless choreography.  It’s easy to forget just how important what we do is.

Until these portraits pop up on the screen.  Moments captured where the joy and the love between mother and grandmother and child is almost palpable.  It hits me that these will be the ones that will be cherished and adored by this family for decades.  This is why I do what I do.


all content copyright Melody Yazdani Studios






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